Do you have the appropriate permits for your events?

All Burghfield Santa events that are attended by the general public are organised in accordance with UK legislation. We have the necessary permissions and licenses to host public events in public places. This includes:

This license governs the use of copyright music across the UK, giving businesses and organisations the legal permission they need to play the music they want. These licences ensure that music publishers, songwriters and composers are fairly rewarded with royalties so they can keep making music.
PPL collects and distributes money on behalf of performers and record companies for the use of their recorded music.
  • Permission for temporary road closure for Box Kart
  • Permission to use public land.
  • Premises license for Burghfest.
  • License to sell raffle tickets for all events
A temporary event notice (TEN) allow us to hold one-off licensable events at unlicensed premises without the need for a premises license, club premises certificate or the presence of a personal license holder, provided certain criteria are met.